Wednesday, December 16

Homeless in Hanoi - Week 3

Did you know the homeless tell the best stories?
A guy on the street just told me he has travelled to the UK, Ireland, and most of the 'stans. He said he had a great job and an excellent career and lots of money. Then his family took his money and he lives on the street. But it was hard to understand him, because he had no teeth.

The homeless in Hanoi creep the streets. They work as shoe shines, basket women, hawkers, pickpockets, beggars and bag slashers..they are old, young, male, female, beautiful, ugly, friendly, rude..

They come out to sleep at 11 in the morning when the parks empty of joggers and aerobics grandmothers. I never figured out where they sleep before 11am..

People on the streets live without an identity. They cannot get an ID card, the kids cannot go to school. It's a system that pushes down the people already marginalised and in need. The police here are no better, beating people, holding them in custody and generally scaring the shit out of them.

God, I'm lucky not to be Vietnamese. I'm still tired. Drinking too much. Staying out too late. My friends think I'm strange and elusive and are getting annoyed. It makes me feel even more alone.

Going to find a shower now, Josh says he will be back in a few hours, I'm going to mooch around his place..and wait.

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