Monday, May 25

'THE' Traffic

I realised I haven't posted about traffic here! Hmm, strange, when you arrive it's the first thing you notice and the ONLY thing you talk about. And it's nuts.

After almost a year, the 'flow' still baffles me. It's like a metal ballet, like walking on water... it's surreal how a system based loosely on the simple adage 'don't HIT anything' can possibly work, and yet it does...mostly.

Take a look at this youtube link to see what I mean.... then... a few tips!

Haha, ok mum don't freak out. It's organized chaos, seemingly insane...and yes, it is a little. But there is method to the madness, it takes a while to get 'driving eyes'...the rule when driving is - take care of what is in front of you and the other guy will do the same. Strangely, it works.

As a pedestrian, remember drivers judge where you are 'going to be', not where you are when they see you. With this in mind, although it goes against every instinct, DO NOT STOP when you see a bike or car coming straight for you.

1. Walk at a slow, consistent pace
2. Don't make any erratic movements - yes, even if there is a pile of something disgusting in your path.
3. Try not to make eye contact - difficult at first, but it gets easier
4. Don't wear earphones, being able to hear the traffic is a good thing sometimes
5. Remember, they have brakes. And they do/should/usually use them.

^. And finally, just take a deep breath and step out. You'll be surprised.