He's living in a wee hippie village about 30 minutes outside of Cairns city, called Kuranda. It's probably a much cleaner and more calm environment than the city centre. Surrounded by mountains and waterfalls. I spent some time up there a few years ago and it's a melting pot of aboriginal artists, musicians and earthy old timers.. it's a very nice place!
So, in case you haven't seen the artwork and music he's made recently.. here are some photos and links. And at the end of this post are links to video of new songs he is planning to record.
I think he's working very hard at becoming someone unique and special....

These music videos are on youtube. To watch these links just click and they'll open in a new window, some of them are slow to load (3 minutes or so), so you just have to press play and maybe make a tea..
The rain came down
It's not your fault