If you're like me - and the idea of travel writing is extremely annoying...get your ticker ticking and have FUN while earning a decent wage.
There are many ideas for working nomads on the net, but I'm simply not interested in online blogging, WWOOFing, photography, teaching, prostitution or begging...so I created my own jobs, things I like to do. And the best piece of advice is find something you already do. ..now. Something you will actually work at rather than just think about.
I don't need a great salary to live in Hanoi, or anywhere for that matter. So here are some jobs that have brought me income (in a relaxed, Tabitha friendly way!)

I posted an ad on an expat site offering loving attention to little or large puppies.
Being Australian, I am not Vietnamese, therefore will not kick or hit your dog, lock him in a cage or feed him chilli-prawn curry. I will pat him, wash his coat, take him for walks and give him the love he deserves!
House Sitting Havens
A good way to stay for free or earn a little dosh. Helps if you don't have your own rent! I recently stayed in a fantastic house, with a KFC/takeaway allowance and a little cash. It was like taking a holiday from my life..with lots of dog love included!

I like cakes. In fact, last month I made over 30 cakes. That's more than a cake a day!!
There's always hapless vegans who stumble across my path, hehe, I plan to put nicely wrapped cakes in guesthouses. An idea for creative types, if you make...make and make, think of people and places you sell items, no matter how small. Meantime, I'm eating too much cake - someone help me!!
Garage Sale Queen
If you like 'things', you might use the Perpetual Garage Sale ninja technique. It's a secret move, hidden for generations...much like the Perpetual Student or the Perpetual Job Seeker. Collect things you love, naturally, in markets, second hand shops and other garage sale and post ads on the local expat sites.
There are tons of newbies coming to town who:
a. can't yet get the local price for items
b. need furniture, accessories, a scarf or boots in a hurry
c. like your style!
...it will ensure you have lots of interesting people knocking at your door!

Chris and I learned loads of traditional West African drumming rhythms, and decided to hold drumming workshops. While the main point was that we want to meet drummers, we've found we are making them! Donation only, since we aren't professionals and provide the drums. Chris has seven and a great space..so much fun!
Party & Event Entertainer
Witchy wolf women of Hanoi unite! Mie (Japanese), Fred (French-Indian), Tabitha (from English witch stock, and yes, there is another Tabitha, yes, she fire twirls, yes, she is alternative and gorgeous - what are the odds!!) and I have formed Ahimsa Fire Troupe. We fire twirl and drum and generally add a fiery-feminine-feisty-flavour to events!
So far we've opened hostels and pubs, a cruise ship, a 6-story rooftop party, art exhibitions and charity events - lots of free food and we're making some nice coin from it too!
So, get thinking, what do you LIKE to do. How do you like to do it...and go out and create the perfect job!
Here are some photos of the girls and I in accccttttion!!!

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