Once upon a time not that long ago, a girl lived in a big city...on a houseboat. She worked in business development and travelled Australia making people happy by finding them a new vocation. Life was good (if not a little boring).
She liked 'things' and created a life with her partner and little dog carefully collecting tapestries, ornaments and statues from exotic countries, expensive laptops, ipod, cameras and phones, precious photographs and diaries tucked away next to shelves of clothing, next to worm farms, container veges and cherished potted palms, terracotta bowls and earthenware jars.
One drizzly New Year's Day, she had a moment, a fortuitous brush with reality. As her boat (which symbolised freedom and future) sank below the waves like a metaphor for the infinite probabilities of life, she lost everything...and suddenly, it changed...
...losing everything was devastating.
But, one very important life lesson was demonstrated very, very clearly.
"Life is not the things you love. Life is love"

In this material, pre-packaged and fast-food world, we are taught not to rock the boat (so to speak) and not let ourselves float too far from the safe arms of society...
So, under piles of possessions, choking in disinfectant and antibacterials, wrapped in social constructs and closely identified with jobs, partners or status, fearfully watching the front door for possible axe murderers...under this enormous neurotic mess...our true, beautiful selves suffocate slowly.
But I'm not going to die, I've lost it all time and time again (sometimes purposefully) and I'm fine. I'm wholeheartedly searching for truth. Whatever it takes. I am taking on, shaping up to and facing the questions I've never quite considered properly. Delving into the nitty grits of life...and having a jolly good time while I'm at it. I'm not very focused, although I try. You might see me as a flitting fairy, a lost child, a socialised, formalised construct which has drifted too far from her creators..
...but in fact, I'm only now thinking about who my creators are. I've made a choice..and a conscious one at that. I'm switching templates (not just on blogger), not from fear, not because my wife left me, not because I got cancer, not because I found God...
It's because I believe we are endowed with the right to seek truth, peace and love..and no matter what our socio-economic backgrounds (though presumably I am incredibly economically lucky ), our societies point of view, our parents or our government, we can and should seek the truth in everything...in doing so begin to see our global village clearly. To better imapct the world, to better communicate, to better love...
And, we should live with love and joy every moment of every second of our lives in this form, on this planet, in this time..
And while doing that, while searching..I've decided to blog..
and travel
this inner journey
and this outer
in me.