My work is so varied. Last month, marketing. I wrote a website, brochures, mail outs... and yes, as someone pointed out.. I've become a spammer.
My business development hat today.. involved meeting the director of one of the largest and fastest growing real estate firms in Hanoi.. Ciputra. Mega bucks, multi multi mega bucks. One of the 'nicer' apartments costs around 180 thousand billion dong!!
Ciputra is a bizarre gated community between the airport and the city. Eight ghoulish black horses stand atop the imposing gates, its huge walls protect large wallets from the outside world. Imagine Vienna mixed with Singapore...with fountains with horses and naked children in strange postures.
Walking into a cathedral-sized foyer and was nearly bowled over by the receptionist who ran out to shake my hand. The owner of all the opulence that surrounded me was man who oozed money, from the top of his shiny head to the soles of his well-heeled feet. He dripped with the calm, secure knowledge (belief) that he was completely in control of his world. The experience was surreal, I pondering the lives of the rich for a good while after my meeting..
...Sunday was our Open Day...
Back to normal like, and up at 1am drinking wine, cooking psychedelic playdough and painting macaroni in my underwear (it's ridiculously hot here.) The day was busy..traditional artisans, music, games and lots of happy, fat babies meeting their teachers.
Now I'm co-writing a the summer school program at the kindergarten.
A very new hat.
Nursery rhymes is our theme for the next 7 weeks of summer school...it was mildly tempting to make it Dr Seuss ...
.. haha, 7 weeks of stripey cats in hats, and frogs in socks might be a little intense for small, developing brains!!
I've just had internet connected again, so I'm free for more skypee chats!