Never mind about people's shocked looks when you tell them you've cut eggs, dairy and cheese from your diet...
I didn't think I would cook or eat so much aaamazing food. (Which maybe it's not so good, the speed at which my waistline is expanding is a little frightening.)
Actually being so conscious of the food I cook and eat is very nice. I find myself looking at each ingredient, studying menus and the backs of packets, adding nuts and seeds, extra colourful veges and experimenting a lot!
And making friends, I recently hosted a few vegan dinner parties with not a single stirfry or carrot stick in sight :) lovely people with the desire to live a more environmental, kinder and pure gastronomic lifestyle.
Ok, so I like cake. My first chocolate cake bombed! The second wasn't much better and the third, well, more like chocolate putty. Finally, when I thought of giving up ever eating a moist, rich chocolate cake, my angel couch surfer, Lisa, introduced me to...wait for it...
..chocolate zucchini vegan cake!
I will graciously post a recipe here, because the love must be spread.
Mix in a big bowl all the dry ingredients
2C plain fl
2C brown sugar
3/4C unsweetened cocoa
2tsp bicarbonate of soda
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Then add the wet ones and mix it all around
2 x smooshed banana
3/4C vege oil
3/4C apple sauce
THEN... add 3 cups of magical grated zucchini and mix it in!
Bake on 'very hot' for 1 hour or just test it every now and then... cover in icing or real chocolate (if you're not vegan-ly inclined), add nuts and stuff...
Cook it! Cook it! It's incredible, and I dare you to find a single zucchini piece, they magically disapear!