Age: Kids (8 - 11)
Level: Any
Type: Group game
Grammar: Any
Time: 15 mins
Bang, Bang is an fun activity that all kids love and you won't find in any of your teacher training books. I baulked at the idea of 'shooting' my kids at first, but quickly warmed to the idea.
This is an activity best done with small groups. Yes, it SOUNDS complicated but once you start and model the activity a few times, it's quite straightforward.
1. SS form a circle with you in the middle. Pretend to have a gun.
2. Randomly 'SHOOT' a student. She/he drops down to a squat.
3. Then the TWO students on either side turn to face one another...
...this is the 'quick-draw' English vocab part of the game...
4. TWO students say a word/sentence faster than the other and say 'BANG' pretending to shoot. The fastest student to say the word and shoot wins, the loser sits down!
5. The child you initially shot stands up and rejoins the game.
6. Then you shoot another random child and repeat until you have two students left.
Then...end the game..with an old fashioned duel!
7. Two players stand back to back. As you count they each take ONE step. '1, 2, 3' and quickly turn... say their word/sentence and shoot. Whoever is fastest with their sentence WINS!!
Large classes
With large classes or very young kids, I scrap the circle part and just have them come up in pairs and do step 7 only. It gets exciting if you have two teams!
Sentence structure:
For example, 'I like apples, BANG!' or you can hold vocab flashcards, ss watch for the card.
This game involves a lot of freedom and ss have a responsibility to play by the rules. If there is a lot of additional 'BANG'-ing in the sidelines, don't hesitate to shut the game down and send them to their seats. They will learn proper game behaviour quickly.