But the decision to move to bustling, busy Hanoi was the start of a new life and one with so many positives. And now that I have made the transition into a new space I fee like I've turned a fresh page...one with wide, watery vistas and floor-to-ceiling windows.
Yes, it's a brothel. Well, it's an ex-brothel, although a few of the world weary women I've seen trekking up the staircase have me questioning the use of the prefix.

Once the luxurious Hotel Almaz, it fell into disrepute as one of the most notorious brothels in Hanoi. Renovated by the French it still retains its old world charm, however imbued with a slightly grim atmosphere of disrepair.
Last month I saw two filmmakers on the stairs. When I asked them what they were doing, one of them enthusiastically said they were making a war documentary and this was the creepiest staircase in Hanoi!!

I know I sound like I'm selling the place, but I feel truly lucky to have such a sanctuary to garden, work, live and simply be.
I'll pop some more photos up when I've worked out how to reload the batteries in my camera...