Friday, August 7


Chris is the only man I know who tries to be love all the time. Remaining connected to the continuous beat of this universe one breath at a time. Always conscious of movement, speech and consequence, he moves through his life like a careful caterpillar taking many steps in one movement.

His home gave me sanctuary in Hanoi, a quiet, peaceful space exudes care and attention. And he himself is like his space. Calm, quiet, orderly, neat, with a peaceful vibe and a certain fragility.

Chris writes stories, gives gifts, massages, energy, feeds people, helps, plays music and cleans - all naturally and softly with great care. He has a house in the treetops overlooking a busy street of Hanoi. When I step in, it's like entering another world. A world where plastic is a disease. not to be touched or brought home, mess is sacrilegious, music is joy and Love is God.

And art and human expression - is welcome. Find him on couchsurfing Chris
But give him plenty of time if you want to stay, he's a busy boy! He's always always welcoming musicians, artists and alternative even if you can only drop in for a cup of tea, a quick meditation session or a chat...get in touch!!

The many couchsurfers that grace his doors, also grace his walls, here is some of their art..

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