This street is crammed with traditional Javanese artworks, clothes, accessories, sandals it's the centre of tourist district in Yogyakarta. You can get around on the 'becak', a three wheel pedal powered bicycle cart or the 'dokar' a horse drawn carriage and check out the Bering Harjo market.
We wandered the street, ate constantly and listened to local busking boys 'ngamen', moving from food vendor to shops, to traffic lights playing small guitars or ukulele for money. These boys are everywhere!
I spotted an interesting character drinking wine on the side of the road, peacefully watching the world go by. His batik shirt and dreadlocks in a city of grey concrete. With his friends we drank sugar wine until evening. Jogja is an art city, where Jakarta is better known for it's music, but no matter to me.
We've ended up staying at the boys country house outside of the city. They have a goat, a bunch of ducks and chickens and a playful puppy. The house and cafe has lots of brown dreaded boys creating things..making lanterns for their outdoor exhibition. Always lots of do. I'm making jewellery, painting lanterns, cutting material, drinking wine, cooking food, cleaning up and we all sleep in a big room under a bamboo roof.
The boys, building, creating and making their way through the day!