But remember, there are people routinely homeless. And not in the ways we think. Disaster survivors, travellers, new divorcees, financial crisis sufferers...and people simply living an alternative lifestyle!
People think it's lazy to be homeless, but that is far from the truth. Homelessness is very hard work. They also think that many are veterans, mentally ill or retarded, these stereotypes simply don't fit many of the homeless in Australia or around the world.
There is stigma attached to being homeless. Even if the person it living homeless well. There are even laws prohibiting it. Imagine. There are laws against being homeless. Let me say that one more time. There are laws against being homeless.
1. Learn to travel light. Keep a postbox, find a safe place for your possessions if you can't keep them with you all the time.
"Imagine yourself as an 8 year old child. You come home from school, the door is locked. You knock. A stranger answers the door and sends you away. You do not know where your parents went. All you have are the clothes on your back and a backpack. How do you feel? Where do you go? What do you do? If you have relatives, you might seek them out for help. You might go to a friend's home and ask for assistance. If you can picture yourself as that 8 year old, you will begin to know what it is like to be homeless...or..."
More from What is it like to be homeless?
2. Scout for good bathrooms, places with hot water so you can wash, friendly staff so you can take your time and visit many times
3. Carry nuts, peanut butter or foods with high protein
4. Always get enough sleep. The truth about being homeless is sleep deprivation. Carry a blanket with you and nap anytime you can.
5. Keep a positive mental attitude. Things always change! For better or worse, remember your current situation won't always be the same, so tuck into your food - when you have it. Sleep when you can. Be thankful for small kindnesses!
For more stories from the homeless check out Hear My Story

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