What's the best thing to do when winter is on the horizon?
Play with fire, of course.We've formed a troupe, a gathering of creatures who create flaming patterns, make beautiful sounds and generally enjoy something different outside!

Of course, we arrived late and didn't know the status of the honored attendees..we just wanted to spin some fire and play drums on the streeeeets!!
..and spin we did to a large crowd that gathered quickly around us. Fire spinning is a new concept here, and drumming is equally enjoyed by Vietnamese. Hooray! This month, our troupe will play at hotel openings, parties, boats, bazaars..lots to learn and many nice people to share with.
There were lots of photographers but only one promised to email me.. so I hope to share some photos..soon..possibly.
It's great to see Hanoi creating!
To see an expansion of the group mind!