Tet Trung Thu is my favorite Vietnamese festival. New Year is too big, Christmas too ugly. Mid-autumn is just right. Cool breezes are starting to sneak in, the city is overdue for a holiday and in the lead up the streets crackle with a buzz of excitement.
Plus the pagan moon-worshipper in me loves city-wide revelling under a full moon! And like any good pagan event, it's celebrated with fire, masks and myths!
You may remember me marvelling last year at beautiful floating lanterns let off around the city...well, they are dangerous, create litter and are now banned..surprise! But, I found a guy who took me to the back of his dingy shop..hehe..and with a prayer, we set it off from my balcony. A little scary considering the houses below my apartment all have thatched roofs..
This year I was lucky enough to have a chocolate mooncake magic'd up for me...yep, magic mooncake.
I organised our mid-autumn event and put on a great show for the kids! We put on our masks, decorated, reenacted a myth of a golden carp who swims through the dragon's gate to becomes a flying dragon...nice!
((And much better than the traditional story of the moon woman who accidentally urinates on a holy tree!! Go figure, I wasn't going to explain that one to my four year olds, no matter how traditional it is.))
All the same, hoopla, traffic, the coming of winter..I really like mid-autumn!
...and here's the link to my post last year in case you didn't know just how cool it was ;)