My next place will be the fourth house I've lived since July. Still searching for a place to plant my roots I suppose...I was never one for share house living.
From the start I've lived around the Ba Dinh area. It's only 15 minutes to the city and best known for the distinct mausoleum, rollicking Ete bar and the many language schools.
I'll be sad to leave this three storey gorgeous French style home. My room is on the ground floor and if you've read the post about my 'bird's nest' bedroom on Van Bao street, you'll understand ground floor living is a nice change.
The house is surrounded by fir trees with a pond in the center of community style housing. Huge turreted French houses with gabled windows rise above it. It's all very peaceful and safe.. geez and I'm moving from here in to an ex brothel!?
I move into my new apartment in TWO days, gosh, I am very excited. I've been dreaming of the space since January. Lots of work needs to be done, but I've always loved a fixer upper! Plus, it's located above the Buddhist meditation center. I'm looking forward to many good vibrations floating up through the floor.
But for the meantime, it's packing the stuff one seems to accumulate so quickly, contacting the taxi tai company and figuring out how one moves furniture out of an alley that cars and trucks can't squeeze down...
Please wish me luck. Moving house in Hanoi, you NEED it!
Taxi Tai - 04387313131
(Trucks are ordered by dimensions (meters) large and small, and be aware, they don't speak English.)