I have to say, so far teaching is great. I've ended up getting a job in a business college of all places. I looked around at a few schools and was going to apply at one down the road, but I have to say the idea of teaching adults really appeals to me.
So anyway!
I'm teaching managers and sales and marketing staff at Yamaha motorbike company and getting paid a sweet penny to do it. Classes are held in the glitzy company offices above the main motorbike showroom. The building itself stunning, the bikes expensive and shiny and the students enthusiastic and simply stoked to have a teacher who plays games and activities.
My first class was a winner and I'm looking forward to my next group. I'm teaching different levels and it's interesting to meet all kinds of professionals and looking into getting a staff discount on a motorbike, haha.
Oh, and this is the scrappy lad Houdini... aw, will you look at that face!!!!
Your job sounds GREAT! A whole new level of english teaching. Plus great pay is always a bonus when away from home.
Miss everyone like crazy!
Cairns would be wonderful if all of you were here.