Last year Charlie and I trucked through Indonesia and formed a friendship with a group of street boys in Jogjakarta. The boys story of misuse and abandonment is extreme, but sadly not unique in this city..
in 1982 the Family of GIRLI was created by mas (brother) Didid when he saw a young boy having sex with an old prositute with a crowd howling and cheering around them. He put aside his college education and went to live on the streets to earn the trust and love of these boys and provide a stable role model and organised them to take care of each other...you can read more about the story here - Street Kids of Yoyakarta
The boys we met were part of this family and creating an income by designing, sewing and flying traditional kites. To help them raise money I put a link on my blog with a paypal account..I hope to raise enough to help them buy a sewing machine..and pay entry to new kite competitions around Indonesia.
Today a donation appeared in my account...
So, this post is one of gratitude for kindness bestowed on strangers with a common love. Thank you for your kind donation. Thank you for caring and sharing the wealth. And thank you for giving me hope today.
If you want to help out too, please find account details through paypal here or click the DONATE link on the side bar of the blog.