Thursday, November 12

Work, food and love

Het Goi!!!!!!

International Week, i.e kindergarten mayhem at its finest :)

(An entire museum was created for goodness sake.)

All week we crafted it up, played around pretend campfires, ate on the floor Japanese style, danced to Cuban rhythms etc. Parents came to my classroom to read stories, demonstrate origami and show costumes. For our big show and buffet today, I dressed as an aboriginal and mc'd and everyone had to guess which animal I played on the didgeridoo..

The buffet was..ridiculous, culinary delights from 14 different was ecstasy on a plate! Aussie lamingtons, Austrian schnitzel, Korean pastries, Japanese sushi, French chocolate cakes and so on and was an edible multicultural rollercoaster ride. Glad it's over...and I can relax my belly!

Right now, in Hanoi it feels like bad old dog days are back..already mid-November and Hanoi is sweltering! A grey storm cloud forming outside my window is conspiring to bring relief to this sweat saturated city. I'm listening to Ani Difranco in my underpants and feeling happy about it all.

Oh, today I learned Vietnamese slang for 'kindergarten teacher' ~ a poorly paid job the
literal translation is 'tiger' meaning we are hungry all the time..

..I must be one of those fat tigers hand fed on tender side cuts...