Friday, July 3

A School Year in Nam!

Can you believe it's been so long..

I've become comfortable life in a culture so dissimilar to my own. For the most part this year, my lesson been a journey on how to love. But I've learned many things.

For the past 365 days I've learned to live uncomfortably, let go expectations, withhold judgment, adapt my communication style, function in intense humidity. Bargained, acted, and smiled my way to new friendships, food and work.

14 things I've learned... a random, mixed bag (maybe I'll add more later when it's not so late)

1. Every human encounter is a unique and singular experience that will never recur in the same way ever again

2. To wipe my chopsticks before using them (even though it does nothing)

3. That I love children immensely and will be a good mother

That the world is very small and people can be very similar in fears, desires and flaws as well as love, compassion and open mindedness

5. That you can
very easily welcome people into your just open your door

6. To stop looking before I cross the road

I am not my friends, my false expectations, my partner or my bank account

If I want happiness..wisdom.. I have to continually seek and create it

9. Vietnamese are proud of their culture and sometimes feel a little sorry for Westerners (even though they also desire BMW's)

If a Vietnamese quickly and happily accepts when you offer a price, it's usually too high

Local wine is good, local vodka is pure acid

12. Always bargain hard, but remember there is a point you could be taking food off someone's table

13. Love can be found everywhere and anywhere if it is found within yourself first

No matter how small your budget, you can go from one backpack to an apartment full of crap in a short space of time...

I've learned to be extremely patient, find something positive in every interaction and did I mention extreme patience? It's been an intense year. But the more intensity the faster the learning.